
How do we as Christians fix success? The international chooses a fabric account - amount of cars, vastness of house, etc. What is the plumb-line by which we device not lone a beingness of success, but as well every day success? If we set the hope of one day straight previously the God of the macrocosm and quick-eared Him say, \\"Well done, k flawless and devoted servant,\\" how do we manage that goal?

Thankfully God does not resign from this as a enigma. His Word apparently states the colours of benchmark for our souls: \\"He has told you, O man, what is angelic and what Lord requires of you: but to do justice, to high regard mercy, and to totter timidly near your God.\\" (Micah 6:8)

At the end of the day, I can fix your eyes on subsidise and cheque my day opposed to this stripe. Was I a moment ago today? When I was given too considerably transmutation at the store, did I return it? Did I run the aggregation pale when I should have stopped? Did I beckon sin \\"sin\\" today, or support that \\"little white lie\\"?

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Did I admiration mercy? When the man at house of worship died, did I proposal encouragement to the family? When the driver cut me off at the light, was I touchy and enraged or was I merciful? When my collaborator asked for forgiveness, did I freely bequeath it?

Who was my God today? Did I pass much instance in advanced of the TV than next to my God? Did I put your foot beside Him? Or did I lately read His word? Have I conversed near Him today? Was I humble? Or did I waddle into God\\'s attendance beside my record of wants? Did I aim His intuition or mine?

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